Posted by & filed under 12=12, Blog.

Hello everyone

We’ve chosen to produce 12=12 for real! It’ll be our first published game!

Christophe will direct the production, while I’ll lead the code design and Sam will intervene mainly on design and publishing issues.

We’ve brainstormed everything from gameplay to narration and of course target markets. We want to publish everywhere we can, so if the game fails to attract people it won’t be for lack of trying. Mobile app stores, Facebook, Kongregate, …etc: every platform we can think of is on the table.

We’ve elected AIR instead of Unity mainly because of the cost of Unity for multiple platforms. Perhaps on a later project. Also as lead I’m a lot more confident about what we can or can’t do with AIR. I clearly lack experience on Unity for now.

Now I’ll let Christophe describe what’ll be in the full game.